Thinking Landscape
“Thinking Landscape”, libro pubblicato dalla FAUUSP (Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo), nel quale partecipo con un saggio dal titolo “Slums in Latin America. Practices between Self-construction and Design”.
Since the onset of the new millennium, landscape, as a concept and theme, is increasingly present in the most diverse fields of knowledge. As such, it is not just an issue of a lyrical, pictorial, geographical or architectonical use of the concept, but a growth of considerations, that in their whole may be understood as a paradigmatic shift and an ineluctable reflection on landscape. This book has the objective of thinking landscape as a fundamental part of practical philosophy, and designated as Philosophy of Landscape has been consolidated at the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon over the past decade and has been considered with numerous publications, projects and academic events.